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Teaser from my upcoming solo album!!! ElectronicElio Amberg
00:00 / 02:58
Teaser from my upcoming solo album!!! AcousticElio Amberg
00:00 / 03:34
Elio Amberg, saxophonist and bass clarinetist, is currently based in Lucerne and Berlin. Through improvisation and compositions he explores rhythmic constructs, extended playing techniques, the structuring of free tonal melodies, and the border area between electronic and acoustic music.
He has also developed transdisciplinary and experimental events with the Lucerne based collective CLUB DÄNEMARK.
He is part of several bands in the field of avant-garde jazz (Sc’ööf and Julius Amber among others) and has received international resonance with them. As an improviser, he plays with well-known Swiss musicians in duos and trios and collaborates with musicians from all over the world.
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